Valley City Times-Record

Bahnson named Game and Fish Employee of the Year

Dr. Charlie Bahnson, wildlife veterinarian for the North Dakota Game and Fish Department in Bismarck, received the agency’s Director’s Award for professional excellence at the department’s annual staff meeting in December.

Jeb Williams, Game and Fish director, said Dr. Bahnson is an incredible asset to our state who is not only recognized by his local peers, but nationwide as well.

“His expertise and knowledge of the issues are continuously expanding. He is an instrumental participant in many state and nationwide working groups pertaining to wildlife health and disease,” Williams said. “Charlie spends countless hours collaborating with other agencies, such as the Board of Animal Health, and educating staff, the public and legislators on wildlife issues, including chronic wasting disease, epizootic hemorrhagic disease and avian influenza. He spearheaded a task force to revise our CWD management plan which will guide big game management into the future. In addition, he is one of the few wildlife veterinarians in the nation who is certified to surgically implant cellular GPS transmitters in birds to learn more about their natural movements. He successfully implemented these implants in mallards and in 2023, pintails.”





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