Valley City Times-Record

Great American Smokeout Nov. 16th...

By Kaitlen Lee, RN, TTS Kaitlen Lee is a registered nurse and tobacco treatment specialist working at CityCounty Health District. Your Health is coordinated by City-County Health District.

There are 365 days in the year that are all good days to begin a journey towards a smokefree life. If you are someone who would benefit from joining a group of people who are looking to quit smoking on a specific day, the Great American Smokeout is coming up on Thursday, November 16.

Smokers, smokeless tobacco users and vape/electronic cigarette users can all benefit from a quit plan. This plan can include:

A quit date.

You can pick a date and prepare to quit.

An answer to the question “how much is smoking costing you?”

Understanding why it is important to you to quit. This can help you stay motivated.

Identifying your triggers. Strategies and tools that can help.

Quit plans can include pharmaceuticals or nicotine replacement therapy as well as coaching.

If someone is interested in pharmaceuticals or nicotine replacement therapy, a great place to start is with their health care provider. The doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner can discuss the options available and help you decide what is best for you. City-County Health District also currently works with a pharmacist that can also assist with medication options. A prescription is necessary for pharmaceuticals.


NDQuits provides coaching as well as free nicotine replacement products for those who qualify. City-County Health district is available for in-person coaching as well. Programs are available for smokers, smokeless tobacco users, and vape/ electronic cigarette users. To enroll: in NDQuits, call 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-7848669). You can schedule time to speak with a counselor and set a quit date. Individuals can also enroll online – search NDQuits.

Coaching for expectant mothers. Quitting tobacco is one of the most important things that expectant mothers can do for their health and the health of the baby. Currently, in North Dakota, 8.5% of pregnant women smoke. The Maternal Tobacco Program offers coaching calls with incentives for each call completed.

Coaching for teens.

Over 3 million U.S. teens use tobacco. Quitting early saves young people from a potential lifetime of addiction to tobacco products and helps them live healthier, happier lives.

NDQuits supports individuals of all ages who want to quit but have specific tools avail- able to youth and young adults who are ready to be tobacco-free through the My Life, My Quit program.

If you are someone who would benefit from joining a group of people who are looking to quit smoking on a specific day, the Great American Smokeout is coming up on Thursday, November 16. City-County Health District can connect individuals with programs to support their quit plan, call 845-8518 for more information.





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